Three Reasons Why Celebrate Easter

There are three reasons why we should celebrate Easter!

Before discussing these reasons, let us begin by looking at why Easter and what Easter means to you and me today.

Here’s what Easter means to a little girl, and this is Emly, my older daughter.

For her school show-and-tell, she decided to take to school an Easter bunny and talk about Easter. When I asked her what she knew about Easter, here are her responses: 

  • On Easter, some children go to church.
  • On Easter, some people put eggs out so that kids would pick them up.
  • On Easter, some other children take pictures with an Easter bunny.

I do not know about you, but what I am very sure of is that if I ask you what is Easter, a simple answer would be “Jesus came back to life.”

Of course, that is why we have Easter.

So now what does Easter mean to you and me?

Below are three Reasons why we celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

We celebrate Easter because it is central to our faith.

In 1 Corinthians 15: 14, Paul says,

If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is vain.

The resurrection of Jesus, historically and factually, has been proven to be true. According to the gospels in the New Testament, Jesus appeared to the eleven apostles, and to the so many other disciples.

Easter is the source of our victory, freedom, and forgiveness.

Jesus had to be lifted up so that those who believe in Him may have eternal life (John 3: 14). He had to shed His blood so that forgiveness of sins is granted to us.

Jesus had to come back to life so that through His resurrection we now have victory over the power of death and sin (1 Corinthians 15: 56-57), and that we also experience freedom and forgiveness. 

Easter means that Jesus is very much alive and present in our lives.

The angel in Mark 15 told the women that He is no longer in the tomb just as He told them when He was them. Because, He is with us, and just as the women, we have to go and tell everyone else about God’s Presence in our lives.

This Easter Sunday, remember the above three reasons why we should celebrate Easter: our faith, what we have received from God through Christ’s resurrection (victory, freedom, and forgiveness) and that Jesus is with the believer no matter what, as his or her witness of His resurrection (a personal experience)!

Happy Easter!