Six Ways To Help You Handle Any Form Of Adversity

There has been so much happening lately. If you watch the news, you’ll feel so heartbroken seeing what’s going on around the world.From Hurricanes to random shootings in Las Vegas, there is so much that affects people. You’re talking about losses of human life, properties, pets, and more. How we respond to adversity varies from one person to another. As we process our current reality, we also experience lots of feelings. These include grief, anger, uncertainty, fear and anxiety, denial, disorientation, and so forth.

I’m going to share with you six ways to help you not get disoriented, but respond to any adversity in a healthy manner.

You can go through anything in life without breaking or getting disoriented, only when you know how to do it. 

Let’s get right into it. 

Adversity is a done deal

Adversity is a done deal. What I mean here is that it’s already taken place. There is nothing like you can reverse it or go back in time to prevent it from happening. So, you have to acknowledge that it’s here and I only have to figure out how to handle it. Choose to look at tragedy as something that’s already here. Then, you’ll be able to make it more like a situation you can manage.

Be thankful

It’s not an easy task to be thankful when facing adversity. With the loss of human lives, properties and more, it’s tough to show gratitude.How would you be grateful for the pain someone or something is causing you?

Scientific research tells us that gratitude activates areas for the feeling of the following:

  • Reward. 
  • Moral cognition. 
  • Good value judgment. 
  • Fairness. 
  • Economic decision-making.
  • Self reference. 

Keep in mind though that you’ve got to choose to be grateful.The gratitude I’m talking about here is that, which propels you to prayer, and the other steps that I discuss next. Gratitude, which comes out of the benefits listed above, calls you to action.

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Begin by expressing your gratitude in prayer.Prayer is vital and always helps in times of adversity. It’s a mark of true discipleship. While prayer is difficult to do on a regular basis, it can be tougher when we’re facing adversity. I’d encourage you to begin practicing prayer, as a spiritual discipline, every day. That way, when adversity comes, you’ll still be able to pray in spite of it.

Prayer life made easier, one of my previous blog posts, can help you with how to pray in good or rough times. 

Don’t do it alone

Never deal with any adversity in life on your own.

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Find someone you trust and who may be willing to walk with you. Humans are not made to live by themselves. We are very social beings. In times of tragedy of any kind, don’t do it alone. Disasters that affect our communities, we hear about them in the news. But, personal struggles are not in the news. So, you may not have anyone say they want to pray, walk and journey with you unless they hear it from you. Seek help if what you’re facing is a personal matter. Talk to a professional counselor, coach, Pastor, spiritual director or mentor, etc. In case you can’t find anybody in your area, Pastors in your community may refer you to someone, who can walk with you.

Join other people

It’s great to have someone walk with you. But, you need to do more. You have to join a community. A better community for you will be that of people who face a similar situation. You’ll find comfort because you realize that you’re not the only one with what you’re facing. Also, you’ll learn more about how others have been dealing with your situation or the aftermaths of a tragedy. Out of this community, you’ll get insights into yourself and how you can also help others on your own. In case you don’t find any group dealing with your specific situation, you can find a different one. Even if it does not speak to your problem, the fact of being in the community will help you.

Help someone else

Helping someone else who goes through adversity is the final thing you’ve got to do. It is the best way to express gratitude. Earlier, I said that gratitude calls you to action. Little acts of generosity create in you the feelings that I described above. Your action should be about finding ways to help somebody. Many benefits come with serving others.

  • You may live longer. 
  • You’ll be happy. 
  • You may experience less pain.  
  • You’ll have purpose and a sense of satisfaction. 
  • You’ll experience lower blood pressure and help with your physical well being. 

There is much more to say about adversity, but, the bottom line is serving others empowers you to overcome any adversity that you face. It does not suppress or change the reality of what you’re going through in this season of your life.However, it helps you be the one who gives meaning to everything that comes your way.

In conclusion

Here are the six ways that can help you face any adversity in life. First, acknowledge the reality of where you’re now in life. Second, choose to be grateful for what you have. Third, show your gratitude through prayer. Fourth, invite someone to walk with you. Fifth, be in community. Last, get out to serve somebody.

These ways aren’t like magic bullets or wand to eliminate or alter the reality of your life. However, they are means you use to change how you see yourself and the way you respond to any adversity you encounter.