You Can Win Every Battle In Life

All humans find themselves, at some point in life, facing some battles.

Once on these life’s battlefields, there are only two outcomes we’re faced with: win or lose.

The question, however, is: “how do we make sure we win in every one of our battles?”

There are two ways that can help you always win every single battle you face in life. 


First, You Win Every Battle Because Jesus Fights For You.

Here’s how you could let Jesus fight all your battles: 

1) Cast all your anxieties on Jesus (1 Peter 5:7).

2) Bring to Jesus all of your burdens or anything with which you struggle (Matthew 11: 28).

3) You only have to be silent (Exodus 14:14).  


These practices imply that you do:Tell God of your battles, issues or problems you’re facing.

1) Have faith that God has heard your prayers.

2) Trust that God is working on everything you have talked to Him about in your prayers.

3) Let God be God. Give God full control over your battles. Work on what you can change. And what you cannot, leave it up to God in prayer. 

By doing the above, you are literally exchanging what you have (burdens, battles, etc.) with what Jesus has for you (light yoke, rest and victory).  


Second, You Win Every Battle Because of God’s Love. 

The primary reason why you win every battle derives from God’s love. Jesus has done what He did because of God’s love for you and I. 

By casting all anxieties and bringing all burdens to Jesus, He takes over everything that we face, including our battles.

Jesus, being the Son of God, does all of that because of God’s love. It is out God’s love for you and I that God, the Father, sent His only begotten Son, to redeem us (John 3: 16).

Therefore, the first battle, Jesus fought for us, was to set us free from sin and eternal damnation. Jesus died and came back to life on the third day.

Jesus’ death and resurrection results into 2 things: 

1) Jesus became the pioneer and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12: 2). In other words He has already gone through what you’re facing now.

2) Jesus paid the price you and I had to pay. He took our place on the battlefield and won the battle on our behalf. Jesus has overcome the evil one and the world for us (John 16:33). 

“You are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8: 37, NIV).