Be A Bible-Believing Band of Brothers or Sisters and You’ll Impact the World

Bible-believing people are the ones that make the most impact! 

That’s the only way you catch people’s attention, enable them to believe in your cause, and eventually transform their lives once they embrace what you offer.

Just as it applies to all businesses, it is also the same for the Church and all that we do as God’s people.

In the case of the Church, what truly makes us impact the world around us takes more than what we think.

It takes us only to be a Bible-Believing Band of brothers and sisters. That’s my take on this.

I don’t know if you had a chance to read about the Philadelphia Eagles. Brit wrote an article about what these men did. This article was shared on the internet like over 1 million times. (Lamm, 2018).

He describes them, in the article, as a Bible-believing band of brothers and sisters. I think that if we all can be Bible-believing bands of brothers and sisters, there will be more impact in the world around us. And, that’s what I share in the following lines.

First, choose to become a Bible-believing person

To start, ask yourself this question: do I believe that God can speak to me through the Bible?

It sounds like a fundamental question.

But, it is very significant for us all, believers. To believe that God speaks to you through the Bible is to do the following:

  • You believe that the Bible is God’s revealed Word for all humankind.
  • You confess it through your mouth.
  • You proclaim biblical truths through the way you live every day.

The Bible is the source of your faith, which comes from what you hear, and that is God’s Word through the Bible (Romans 10: 17).

The Bible shapes your belief and gives you a belief system that defines the following two things:

  • Your values, which form the elements of what makes you think, say and do.
  • Your way of life, which defines your behavior and all the way you conduct yourself in private or public.

Second, belong to a band of Bible-believing brothers and sisters

Your faith and values, resulting from the Bible help you understand that you’ve got to belong.

You realize the need for belonging to God, a community of believers and a small group. The importance of a band of Bible-believing brothers and sisters is twofold.

First, you have a community to which you could belong. Second, you are with people struggling with a similar problem or need like yours.

Belonging to God comes first.

Through faith in God, as a Bible-believing person, God claims you back to God as God’s son and daughter.

The first place where you belong is in God’s house. And, you come back to God now or whenever you repent.

At the end of time, all Bible-believing brothers and sisters will spend eternity in God’s presence, which is our final destination.

Next is belonging to a community.

God claims you back to Him and now establishes in a community of other Bible-believing brothers and sisters.

Find Bible-believing brothers and sisters and join them. Talk to a leader in your Church or community of believers who can help you with this.

Lastly, belong to a small group.

A small group is where growth takes place. Jesus did not have more than twelve apostles. That’s something to keep in mind.

Just as the family is the basic unit of society, so is a small group vital to the Church.  

  • Transformation begins and takes shape in a small group.
  • Leadership development happens in a small group.

Belonging helps to understand your mission. Before joining a group, first, know your struggle. Don’t live in denial.

The AA groups, as an example, have been so successful today because those who go and belong to these groups know their struggles.

Not only do they know them, but they also choose to join other people with similar challenges.

It’s in this group of Bible-believing people, and who also struggle just like you, that God will begin making an impact on you in the world around you.

In conclusion

Making an impact on the world around us shouldn’t be something we do. It should be something God does through who we become. It comes out of our transformation as Bible-believing brothers and sisters. Trust me. Personal transformation speaks louder than anything else.