Here’s How You Can Boost Your Confidence

Confidence is a choice you make for yourself. If you’re like me, it gets so easy to admire self-confident people. I often wonder how they seem to speak and lead so boldly.In this post, I’m going to show you how you can do it. If you’re like me, it gets so easy to admire self-confident people. I often wonder how they seem to speak and lead so boldly.

Be your cheerleader

Whether you’ve got followers or not, not everyone will always cheer for you. It’s the reality of life. Even famous people, you know of, also sometimes struggle with confidence.The bottom line is you’ve got to cheer for yourself when there is no one to do it for you.Everyday, an exercise you could do for yourself could be about asserting who you are and the potential you have since birth.For example, as part of your morning ritual, and before doing anything else, take time to encourage yourself.You could say something like this: “Emmanuel, you’re here on earth for a purpose. You are special and have unique talents to accomplish your mission this day. You’ll do it, no matter what you encounter throughout the day.”

Have faith

Here, let me tell you what I mean by having faith. But, before I do it, let me say that belief is power, and here’s why. 

  • Faith is the ability to name things that you do not see yet.
  • Faith is the power and means that can call all these things into existence.
  • Faith is active when you act upon what you’re professing and confessing.

So, now what makes faith work? Three things do make faith work.

First, believe in God.

I’m telling you this because that’s what I do. I am a believer in God. This belief does three things in my life and as far as my confidence is concerned. You can also experience the same if you do like me.

  • Fear is all gone.“ There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear…” (1 John 4:18, ESV). God, being Love (1 John 4:7-12), casts all fear from our lives. Fear can become an excellent recipe for paralyzing confidence. But, when you know that you’re in good hands and God is in control, your level of confidence increases. With all fear gone, you will be courageous enough to face anything and anyone in life.
  • You experience love, and which in turn boosts your confidence. It is as a result of belief in God. Since God is love and He dwells in you, you will be empowered to do anything and at any cost for the sake of love. As a result, your level of confidence will increase.
  • Believing in God allows you to experience assurance. The source of your confidence comes from the fact that you know that God will lead to the right destination, no matter what.

Second, believe in yourself.

Confidence requires believing in God as well as believing in self. Here’s are some insights on how to do it. Know that you have all that it takes to do what needs to be done in this season of your life.Be aware of what you have: skills, talents, and resources. This awareness will increase your confidence. The reason is that you will know how and where to use your abilities, skills, and resources.

Awareness of who you are and what you have will enable you to focus only on what you can change. On the other hand, focusing on what you cannot improve may affect your confidence. It will set you for failure, which will not help with self-confidence.

Therefore, if you feel you cannot do something, just don’t do it. Even though we learn from mistakes, but the more of them or errors you encounter in life, the less confident you may become.

Lastly, believe that you also can make a difference in the world.

Remind yourself that you’re here on earth for a purpose.Because you exist for a reason, you can then make a difference in the world too. What you can do may seem very little, but that’s what you need to do.With social media and TV, it gets easier to feel that your life becomes so meaningless. All that results from watching what other people do. What’s important is to keep in mind that we are all part of God’s universe.What one does is what the other cannot do. Even though celebrities do extensive work and touch lots of lives, but what they do does not always reach the people in your neighborhood.It also applies to prominent charity organizations. They cover such a vast number of people by helping them. The people they cannot help could be the ones whom you can reach. You are in a better position they are because these people are your neighbors who live just next door.


As I said in the beginning, it’s going to take you to experience confidence. You’ve got to cheer for yourself. And, you’ve got to have faith. Be confident!