Finding Joy In The Lord


 What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8).

It is a challenge to find joy in the midst of the daily demands. Isn’t it?

Joy has often been confused with what we get or accumulate. It can also sometimes be defined as a result of what we can do and receive based on our accomplishments. 

But, true and long lasting joy comes out of doing what the Lord requires. 

In other words, finding you this day will come from the following:

  • Do justice.
  • Love kindness.
  • Walk humbly with your God.

Here’s how I would translate these 3 key practices for true joy, and which I would encourage you to practice throughout your day:

Surrender your everything to God.

Cast all your anxieties, fears and doubts on Jesus Christ throughout the day. [bctt tweet=”Surrender is an act of faith and obedience to the reality that God cares for us.” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””] 

Invite God to walk with you.

[bctt tweet=”God is your best friend if you let Him be so.” username=””via PasteurEmmanuel””] Just like any human parent, it is always a joy when a child asks for help. God, our Father, feels the same thing when you cry out for help desiring God’s presence to help during the day. 

Let God be God in your life.

Surrender and inviting God to walk with you make it possible for God to be God in your life. It all happens when you let God guide, instruct and show you the way you should go.

Be happy and joyful because God is with you this day!