The Exodus Narrative: Hope and Victory – Part Three

Here’s the third reflection on the book of Exodus. I refer to this book as a biblical narrative about hope and victory.

One crucial thing we can learn from this is that we can use our past to prepare ourselves in the present and walk fearlessly into the future God has for us.

That’s exactly what I’ll share with you based on the book of Exodus with focus on chapter 14.

Familiarize with the chapters that come before chapter 14 

To help you do so, go back to my previous writings in the series: 

There are three things we can learn from chapter 14. 

You’ve got to deal with your past

In the case of the Israelites, their past had to do with slavery in Egypt. They had to deal with Pharaoh, not only in Egypt but also after having left Egypt.

Pharaoh and the Egyptians represent anything from your past that may be pursuing you. Just as Pharaoh wanted the Israelites back, so does your past.

The Israelites would have never walked into the promised land without having defeated the Egyptians.

Getting free from something does not mean that the thing will stop from pursuing you later.

When you read chapter 13, Pharaoh and the Egyptians decided to let the Israelites go free. But, it did not take long for them to change their mind.

So, if your past you’ve been set free comes back to you, then it means you have to deal with it.

Whatever you may be dealing with right now, and which belongs to your past, I’d encourage you to talk to somebody.

Speak with a close friend, a Pastor, a spiritual mentor, a coach or any professional counselor. I’m also available if you want to talk to me.

Keep moving forward

The Israelites know that Pharaoh and the Egyptians are coming after them. But, God does not want them to stop walking. They had to keep moving forward, which was not easy.

The reason is that ahead of the Israelites was the red sea. The Israelites were in a sandwiched situation. They were between the Egyptians and the red sea.

That’s probably your life today. The state of feeling stuck is similar to the situation in the Israelites were. They are not sure of where they’re going. But God wants them to keep walking.

The choice of moving forward, even when that wasn’t easy, was an act of faith and trust in God. Here’s what God told the people of Israel,

The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Exodus 14: 14. ESV.

Being in the wilderness isn’t a bad thing at all. It is the right place where you can experience God’s victory. 

What you fear can become God’s tool for your victory

God used the red sea as a tool for the Israelites’ victory over Pharaoh. Exodus 14 tells you the story about how all this unfolded. 

The red sea, which the Israelites thought was in the way, is what God used to make them victorious over their enemies. Anything that you’re facing right now can become God’s vessel to make you a winner. 

Your future is in God’s hands just as was the Israelites’. And, God so often reminded them of that. Four hundred years prior to their freedom from Egypt, God had already talked about their time in a foreign land as well as when they would be set free out of God’s Power. 

All this takes us to the Scripture above from Romans 8: 31 reminding that if God is on your side, who can be against you?

Also, in the same Scripture we hear Paul say to the Church, including us today, “we are more than conquerors” (Romans 8: 37). 

So, you’re truly a winner, not because of your might and power. It’s because of what God has been doing for you. 

Here is what you take with you out of Exodus 14

  • First, God is with you. Because God is on your side, do not fear your past. Deal with it.
  • Second, never give up, but keep pressing forward knowing that God is walking with you.
  • Last, God will help you cross what comes ahead. God will use it to help you overcome anything that always wants you in bondage.