No Matter What, Love Always Wins!

No Matter What, Love Always Wins! - Emmanuel Naweji

Have you ever thought of the idea that “love always wins?”  Yes, love is the most powerful weapon we all need in life. Also, for a better life, healthy relationships and a better society, we all need to love each other. Don’t you think?  As a Christian, here are six reasons why you should love […]

8 Ways to Help You Take Complete Control in Life

Your Personal Growth Corner - Emmanuel Naweji

There are 8 ways to help you take full control in your life. This is a podcast published on January 6 2017. In this podcast, the 8 ways to help you take complete control in your life include: Plan your life. Right thinking right action. Design your day. End your day for a more productive […]

Ce n’est pas encore tard pour des Résolutions du Nouvel An

It's Not Too Late for New Year's Resolutions - Emmanuel Naweji

As tu déjà fait des résolutions pour cette nouvelle Année 2017?  Sinon, c’est OK et ce n’est pas encore trop tard. Je peux t’aider à commencer le processus. Aussi, je voudrais que tu sois parmi les 8 pourcents de ceux qui arrivent à accomplir leurs résolutions pour le nouvel An. Comme tu commences à penser […]

God Has Given You A Firm Foundation

God has given a firm foundation!  This is something you probably don’t notice. But you’ve got all what you need.  Our foundation is no other than Jesus Christ!  Life in 2017 will bring about so many things, including suffering of any kind. Whether we like it or not, that’s likely to happen to anyone, the […]

Ce n’est pas encore trop tard pour les résolutions du Nouvel An

It's Not Too Late for New Year's Resolutions - Emmanuel Naweji

As tu déjà fait des résolutions pour cette nouvelle Année 2017?  Sinon, c’est OK et ce n’est pas encore trop tard. Je peux t’aider à commencer le processus. Aussi, je voudrais que tu sois parmi les 8 pourcents de ceux qui arrivent à accomplir leurs résolutions pour le nouvel An. Comme tu commences à penser […]

It’s Not Too Late for Your New Year’s Resolutions

It's Not Too Late for New Year's Resolutions - Emmanuel Naweji

Do have your New Year resolutions for 2017 yet? If not, that’s OK and it’s not yet too late. I can help you begin the process. Also, I would like you to be among the 8 percents of those who get to accomplish their New Year resolutions. As you start thinking about your resolutions for this year, […]

You Have God’s Peace

You Have God's Peace - Emmanuel Naweji

You have God’s Peace! This is the Peace that surpasses all human understanding. God’s Peace does not derive from what we can conceive. God’s Peace that cannot be corrupted by anyone or anything. The world symbolizes something temporal. The kind Peace we receive from any created being or thing is also temporary. Peace from the […]

God Is Doing A New Thing

God is doing a new thing

God is doing a new thing in your life! Yes, this year, God has something in mind for you. One thing is you’ve got to do is to perceive it. But, how do we see what’s in God’s mind? How do we perceive this new thing God is about to do in life?  We see […]

Prends Contrôle Total dans ta Vie

8 Ways to take complete control of your life

Aimerais-tu avoir un contrôle total de ta vie comme tu commences cette nouvelle année? Si oui, j’ai huit façons qui peuvent t’aider  à faire exactement cela. Avant d’élaborer sur cela, permets moi de dire que la vie. en elle même, est plus grande que nous tous. En d’autres termes, nous pouvons planifier, mais cela ne […]

Take Full Control in Your Life: 8 Ways To Do It

Take Full Control in Your Life: 8 Ways To Do It - Emmanuel Naweji

Do you want to have full control in your life as you begin this new year? If so, I have eight ways that can help you do just that.  Before delving in, let me say that life, in itself, is bigger than we are. In other words, we may plan, but it does not mean things will […]